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Garnier Sun Kissed Body Lotion - Review

As a born and bred Essex girl I'd like to think you can take my knowledge on the subject of fake tan with confidence. As you can probably imagine I've tried & tested a fair few in my time!

Tan is a must for me, but I don't like the in your face fake look some tans can give.

As spring is looming bringing along with it the dreaded skin baring wardrobe for my wintry pale limbs, I've picked up my old faithful Garnier gradual tanning body lotion to give me a healthy glow.

The idea behind this gradual tanner is that In one step your skin from morning to evening is gradually building a natural-looking tan in harmony with your skin tone. The more you apply the darker you go.

The colour this gradual tan gives Is the most natural looking tan that I have come across for high street brands. I have never found this product to streak.The smell is ok for a tan lotion, it contains natural extract of apricot which has a nice scent. Your never going to have a tanning lotion that doesn't have that hint of a 'tan smell', so for me this is as close as it gets. 

The lotion drys evenly and quickly so if your in a rush to get ready after applying lotion (which I normally am) this is great for you. I wouldn't say this is a very moisturising lotion so I apply the lotion and a normal body lotion interchanging one day on and one day off throughout the week, to keep my skin supple. I would advise applying normal lotion on your elbows and knees when using this product as it can gather around dryer skin, but that's the same as most self tanning products.

Prices range from £4.35 to £7.50 depending on the size bottle and where it is purchased.

The lotion comes in three different shade's; 




250ml & 400ml bottles.

Whats your fave gradual tanner?

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