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"I think most musicians tend to be generous."

Emmylou Harris on her writing process and working with other musicians. (Pitchfork)

Pitchfork: You seem like a very generous collaborator, which may explain why so many people gravitate toward you.

EH: I think most musicians tend to be generous. It just starts with that jam, people sitting around trading songs, playing on each other's stuff, singing harmony. I found that out the first time I ever met a group of musicians and sat around playing music all night. It's like, yeah, this is what I want to do. I like this! I don't think that I'm unusual in that sense. And of course, I've benefited from all the different people that I've met and worked with. I really believe that music is all about collaboration. Only so many people can make a record of just them and their guitar, and do that for the rest of their lives. I don't think I could do that, anyway, but I wouldn't choose to. For me, a lot of the inspiration comes from what songs a musician will play, or what a group of people getting together can come up with, all around a song. That's the way it's always happened for me.

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