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Quickies: Concerning Facebook And Its “Community Standards”

     Those who operate Facebook have repeatedly assured us that their “community standards,” and the enforcement thereof, are absolutely content-neutral. They must say this to avoid being reclassified from “content-neutral platform” to “publisher” – which would expose them to regulation. So we’ve heard it over and over.


     I had a Facebook account forcibly terminated despite having used it strictly as a promotional vehicle for my books – no sociopolitical nor economic commentary of any sort. I had another account forcibly terminated despite never having posted anything on it. In both cases, the reason given was "community standards." I know other persons on the political Right with similar stories to tell. There’s only one imaginable explanation.

     We also have phenomena such as this:

     If this is “content-neutral” enforcement of “community standards,” I’m King Philippe of Belgium. (For the record, I’m not King Philippe of Belgium.)

     Those of you who persist in using Facebook, whatever your rationale, are helping to sustain its practices. Remember, you’re the product: Facebook sells your “eyeballs” to the advertisers whose revenues fuel it.

     There are superior alternatives. Look into Minds.com as an alternative to Facebook. Twitter devotees should check out Gab.com as a preferred micro-blogging site. Stop supporting your own destroyers.

     (I might be back later with something meatier, but for not quite 6:00 AM EDT, this seems sufficient.)

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