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You guys amaze me!

Well hello there my little lovelies,

How're you all doing? Well I hope :)

I've started to notice more now that a lot of people who have been reading my blog are actually from all over the world as well as England, in places like Brazil, America and even Russia to name just a few! This amazes me and would love it if you could just leave a little comment even if you're just passing by while looking for another blog.

I know my blog isn't as big or even as interesting as some, but I never thought anyone outside of the UK would read it all or even see it so that really does make me happy when I see that my audience is coming from all over.

I only really started this to have somewhere to share my thoughts and opinions on various films that I've seen as I'm (currently, but not fro too much longer) a media student with a film based radio show so I try to watch a lot. Post content varies I know, which is another reason that it amazes me that some of my posts have more views than I would've thought they'd get.

I know its still a small blog but I wanted to say thank you to all of you that look at it and take the time to read all my nonsense filled rambles, means a lot :)

Until next time, thanks for reading, much love! :) x

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