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American Apparel Nail Polish : a review in progression

I returned a coat ... then went wild over nail polish. This wasn't planned - here is my loot ...

American Apparel polishes - I have wanted these for ages but ... ok .. out with it ... American Apparel irks me  ... the ads = c-r-e-e-p-y, the founder a sleaze bag - the main photographer an extreme weirdo ... need I say more.
Getting to the point - what American Apparel looses in sordid creepy shenanigans (American Apparel looses lots of points) it kinda makes up for in nail polish quality (leaving it a little under neutral). These nail polishes are the bomb (it does pain me to say this). Pigmented & Smooth. Great selection of colours. Easy Application. Accessible Price. Doesn't chip easily - if it does chip on a first day wear its after a full day and its only very minute. Simply put: I can't complain (doesn't that say it all). Oh how I wish I could ... but, I can't (weeps). Although the company has newly been taken over by a lady (imagine that) and the creepy CEO and photographer seem to be out of the picture so, all seems well for now ... 

Anyway,  I've bought a variety of polishes from AA - ranging from their usual £7 price tag *extortion* to £3.50 or £2.80 on different sales oh and I got one free (Buy 2 for 1 offer hehe). I  even become so sensational that I bought two bottle of 'Sunshine State' because I forgot I had already bought it (hoarder much?). Ah, its a pretty colour so I don't mind and a girl can never have too much yellow, right? .. *excuses* 

I love everything about them. Let me list the ways. 
  • DBP, Toluene and Formaldehyde Free
  •  Great selection of different colours, effects etc. (glitters, metallics, cremes, sheers, matte top coat, glow in the dark polishes, holographic top coat & neons)
  • The packaging - I love the rectangular shape bottles - the brushes are never splayed and apply the product smoothly and evenly
  • The formula - smooth, pigmented and buildable. AA polishes don't have a strong nauseating scent. Although AA polishes take a while to dry (definitely not fast drying) it dries without bubbles.
  •  I find that AA polishes last long on my nails and make my nails feel stronger and wear beautifully
Any negatives about the polish - hmmm .. £7 is not necessarily cheap but, I really am impressed and although I'm no loyal to any particular brand AA nail polish are actually a fav for me. Now that is a statement coming from a self confessed Nail-Polish-Addict (NPA). Unknowingly I have amassed a sizable and recent collection from the AA line and honestly I think it will just get bigger (I have my eyes on a red). Yes I know I am on a minimalism journey and I'm not going to justify this ... Yet I will say that there's a time when a girl and her nail polish obsession needs to be left alone - this is the time.

Note: I have not swatched all the colours yet but, I think I might add swatches to this post when I use or update my collection. Yet, honestly the colours are pretty true to how they look in the bottle - apart from the sheer and glitter/metallic shades which are meant to be built up. Overall I'm very pleased with all the shades and quality.

Not the best manicure or pictures in the world but you get the gist - colour translates well onto nails (doesn't lighten or darken) and the pigmentation is pretty opaque in 1- 2 coats.
... more pictures of the saturated creme finishes, sheer, glitter and metallic
*The Best Stickers In The World* = discount stickers!! - I love green generally and rainbow holograms are one of my favourite things  too  & discounts - tripple love :)
Any last things to say: Yep - I've been trying to find a link to American Apparel Nail polishes but they don't seem to be on AA's website anymore *gulp*. Hopefully its not being discontinued *runs to the nearest AA store* ... In other news I re-stumbled on Super Black Lacquers (an indie US nail polish brand) their shades seem awesome but after reading that they don't ship outside the US I might of fainted - thankfully, I had already stumbled on Rainbow Connection (a UK online-store that houses various indie nail polish brands from all over the world) to save me from unconsciousness. Suddenly, my faith in humanity has been restored and if you so happen to see an indie nail polish popping up now and then - you'll know why :). Oh and I further culled my nail polishes down - it was hard but freeing!

*Update 02/11/15  - I was (still am) looking for a new coat - so after being mildly disheartened with the choices on offer I sought to at least purchase one nail polish from American Apparel to lighten my mood Thus, I entered the store again walking straight to the Nail Polish rack. Once there, the lovely sales assistant clariffied the sign, explaining that the nail polishes were on offer for ... £1 each  ... but if I got 4 - I would only be charged for 3 ...

Inside I was squealing with excitement but, I calmly said "Oh thanks!" and jumped right into pondering over shades - I ended up buying 12 for a mere £9 and bought a lip balm as well, just to make it not feel like robbery. Yes I did ask if they were being discontinued but the sales assistant said that they just do offers like this sometimes. SOUNDS GREAT! I bought several shades I didn't have and ummed and ahhed about trying the glow in the dark polishes - who knows I might go back ... This is a great time to try a polish out - they're definitely a steal for one pound!! I don't know when this offer will end ... just know that good things can happen. 
Have you tried American Apparel Nail polishes?
Have you tried American Apparel products?
Can the CEO or members of a company - bad antics put you off purchasing items?
Can someone have too much nail polish?

Your comments are always welcomed and appreciated!
Lots of Love and Peace as Usual
Remember never give up on your dreams 

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