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Hard candy fire alarm lipstick photos and swatches

I am so sad to say that my computer died today. I was only able to do this post because I had it saved in my blogger drafts. I'm afraid that I might not be able to blog for a while :(

I got Hard Candy fire alarm lipstick because I was looking for a peachy color for spring. Not to mention I was drawn to it's cute cherries and sparrows on the tube too.
I love how each tube has different designs!

It turns out that fire alarm is a lot lighter than I thought. It's super pale nude.

It does have a slick, almost glossy finish - but it mangaged to get into every single lip line that was possible. I did not like it very much.

The color isn'd bad, I like nudes. It's a fairly neutral mix of peach and pink. It reminds me a lot of MAC creme de nude, it's probobly very close in color.
The finish is just not very nice. I find that there is a cheap feeling to it, and I don't think I'll be buying any more of these.

I did buy the new Hard Candy glossaholic lipgloss in rise & shine today, and I am totally in love! It's got caffiene in it, and it smells awesome. Like a mochacchino with a dash of mint. It even has rainbow flakie sparkles that are so pretty to look at. I will do a post on it as soon as I can.

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