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Recipe: Oatmeal Cookies (Recept za piškote iz ovsenih kosmičev)

English recipe is at the bottom of this post.

Kot velika ljubiteljica vsega sladkega imam kar težave, ko je treba reči ne sladici ali čokoladi, zato so vsakršne sladice, narejene z zdravimi sestavinami, prava rešitev, da potešim svojo željo po sladkem. Ena izmed takih sladic so piškoti iz ovsenih kosmičev. Zadnjič sem med brskanjem po Youtubu našla video Youtuberke MissRemiAshten, v katerih je spekla te piškote s tremi sestavinami, sama pa sem recept malce prilagodila in danes delim z vami svojo verzijo. Poleg tega, da so ti piškoti odličnega okusa, so tudi zelo preprosti in hitri za pripravo.

Kaj potrebujete za piškote iz ovsenih kosmičev?
  • dve zreli banani
  • eno skodelico ovsenih kosmičev
  • rozine (po želji)
  • cimet (po želji)
  • čokoladne mrvice ali koščke čokolade (po želji. Sama sem sicer dodala za okus čokoladne mrvice, ki naredijo moje kekse malce manj zdrave, ampak bila sem malce prelena, da bi si temno čokolado rezala na koščke :P)

Sam postopek priprave piškotov je zelo preprost. Najprej sem z vilico v posodi zmečkala obe banani, potem dodala skodelico ovsenih kosmičev in jih z vilico premešala v banano, na koncu pa sem dodala še pest rozin, čokoladne mrvice in malce cimeta. Če niste velik ljubitelj sladkega, potem raje preskočite rozine, ker že same banane dajo piškotom sladkobo, rozine pa jih naredijo zelo zelo sladke. Sama pa sem dodala še cimet, ker sem velika ljubiteljica cimeta v sladicah in ker po mojem mnenju naredi okus piškotov še boljši.

Na manjši pekač sem položila peki papir, ga premazala s kokosovim maslom in z žlico oblikovala kekse. Peki papir sem s kokosovim maslom premazala zato, ker so se mi prvič keksi tako oprijeli peki papirja, da sem jih komaj ločila od njega. Ta masa je dovolj za osem večjih keksov, ki jih imam sama za dva dni. Ker sem dejansko edina v hiši, ki jih je, je ta masa dovolj zame, če pa želite postreči več ljudi, pa kar svobodno povečajte količine (ali pa naredite manjše kekse). Kekse pecite pri 180 °C okrog 10-15 minut. 

Upam, da vam bodo teknili in če jih boste spekle, delite z mano vaše mnenje, kako so vam všeč. Sama jih imam zelo rada v kombinaciji z grškim jogurtom, res super za dopoldansko malico. Pa dober tek! 


As a huge sweet tooth I have a problem, when I decide to stop eating sweets, because then I don’t know what to eat when the desire for sweets becomes strong. Healthy desserts are the solution for me then. Recently I was browsing on Youtube and I found a video of MissRemiAshten, in which she baked oatmeal cookies and they looked so delicious that I had to try them immediately. I adjusted the recipe a bit and today I’m sharing with you my version of these cookies. I love them, because they are so easy and quick to prepare.

What will you need for oatmeal cookies?
2 bananas
a cup of oatmeal
raisins (optional)
chocolate bits (optional – for a bit less healthy version)
cinnamon (optional)

You’ll need less than a half an hour to prepare and bake these cookies. First you have to mash both bananas. Then add a cup of oatmeal and mix them with bananas. After that add ingredients of your taste – I decided for raisins, chocolate bits and cinnamon. If you’re not a big sweet tooth, skip the raisins, because bananas themselves are quite sweet and raisins will make cookies even sweeter. I added cinnamon, because I’m a huge fan of its taste and I prefer the taste of cookies with it.

On a baking tin place a baking paper and smear it with coconut butter (or something else). I haven’t use coconut butter when I was baking these cookies for the first time and they stuck on the paper so hard that I barely separated them from it. Use a spoon to form the cookies and then bake them at 180 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. 

I hope you like this recipe and that you’re going to try it. I really like them in a combination with greek yoghurt, so tasty. Thank you for reading!

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