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'Scream Queens' season 2 teaser trailer

"Good morning, sluts," 'Scream Queens' is back next month and we already have a taste of what's coming. While i'm super excited about it and i loved the perfect first season, i'm always afraid that it won't live up to season 2. Of course, i will be watching and i'm eager too but i just don't want to have my expectations too high because i adore the humor and frivolity the show has, it's totally my cup of tea. So, i'm not going to expect much and hope that it surprises me as it did with the first season.

Our Chanels are back in September 20th and in the meantime we have this really cool teaser to keep going and a few really great and amazing cast photos after the cut because you can tell these people are having fun working together. Ok, i'm excited about it i just don't want it to suck, check out the teaser below and the cool pics after the cut.

sources: youtube & instagram

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