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Mateja's Beauty Blog Turns Five (Giveaway)

This is a big one people. Five years. I've been relentlessly babbling about makeup and other trivialities for five years. I remember the day I created my blog and promptly posted several posts right after midnight the next day. I posted 21 reviews in 8 days! I was a blogging machine back then. Just kidding - truth be told, they were just a collection of swatches that I already posted on different forums, so it wasn't that big of a feat. I also remember my first subscriber or should I say subscribers - the pioneers of Slovene beauty blogging Parokeets. How they found me I have no idea because I never mentioned to anyone that I'm planning on creating a beauty blog, but high five to them. My blogging style evolved so much, but it's still based on doing all those detailed reviews that I'm sure some people say "Ain't nobody got time to read all this". That's why I put pictures between the paragraphs and try to separate each thing, so you can pick what you'll read.

I've mentioned this in The Secrets of Blogging Tag, but today it's also my Name day. It's an old, sadly mostly forgotten tradition, but I celebrate it every year and it's like my second birthday (I made a ton of muffins yesterday). Happy Name day to all Matejas (and Matthews, Matjažs as well as every version of the name)!

Top Reads
Want to know what top reads were in all these five years? Here they are:

My favourites
And of course I want to point out my favourites. These are the ones I'm most proud of and pretty much all of them took me ages to do or I just really enjoyed making them. 

I'm going to bore with statistics now. A total of 676 posts were posted in these five years and my dear readers plus me created 8390 comments - boy we had a lot to say. The blog had a mind blowing 1,8 million views and it gets about 65,000 views per month. Most searched keyword was "matejas beauty blog", followed by "manhattan soft mat" and "essence stay with me"

Thank you for every subscription, comment, like, pin, just for reading my posts - thank you for everything. It's been a wonderful five years with all of you and I hope it'll be like that in the future as well.


I promised to myself that when my blog turns five I'll actually make a giveaway. I've made a little bit of money from it, so it's only fair to give some back. I gave it a lot of thought what I'd give away and I decided on a Feel Unique Voucher for 30 € because that is what I'd most love to get and it gives you a chance to clear something from your wishlist. I don't want this to turn into one of those giveaways that just attracts free stuff hunters, so I'm asking you not to share anything and I'll also make you work for it because I want that the prize goes to someone who's actually a subscriber and reading my blog. Ideally it'd be someone who commented here because you just feel that bit closer to the person, however, I'm very aware that there are probably a lot of people, who read me regularly and never comment because I do the same thing to like a hundred bloggers. You have to answer this question correct to be able to participate:

What camera do I use for my blog photography?

I'm sure regular readers know the answer, as a hint I can say that there was series of blog photography posts and also that the answer is literally one click away. Do not write the answer in the comments, write it in the Rafflecoppter box, so you don't diminish your chances. Following me on social media increases your chances, but you don't have to subscribe to everything. Giveaway will last a week, so it ends on 28. September 2015 at 12 PM (CEST) and I'll try to announce the winner as soon as I'll be able to, at the same time they'll get an email from me. If the winner doesn't respond in two days, a new winner will be chosen. The giveaway is international and it's not sponsored.

Best of luck in the giveaway and thank you for reading!

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