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Repulsive Barack Obama racist speech rant is criticized by Tucker Carlson com Mark Levi among , others on the right

Ed West
   Barack Obama Hussein was a first occupied globalist president if the united States illegally holding office being born outside and the system was rigged to have him become president for the  international corrupt global money and forces. Barack  Obama came to the funerals of Elijah Cummins this past week giving a eulogy for the long time Maryland career politician and corrupt Democrat and the insane Mr Obama made a political speech form hell out of it in a disgusting racist tirade that was
highly condemned by Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin. The  famed right-wing broadcaster lambasted the former Indonesian colonizing president of America and said the man is going full racial identity and pure racism bringing up names of civil rights era segregationists and making comparison to trump as Obama desperately tries to help Joe Biden a man totally incapable of running things. Some would say that a Biden presidency would mean that Obama would effectively be running the country again and this should send shock waves and terror among people everywhere as Obama is a full tyrant willing to spy and work with the likes of China. Obama's speech could have been delivered by Cornell West and this is what the former Black economics professor Obama at the University of Chicago has degraded himself  into .
 In fact, one can clearly see Hussein Obama was a Chinese puppet as in his eight years I don't think this Kenyan son of a goat once said anything about Chin or negative of the CCP state. Tucker and Mark Levin eviscerated this son of a Kenyan goat herder who became a community activist and an outlet for corruption and rise of Obama were done by people who expected him to be in state of Illinois public Democratic party office for 30 or more years. Obama is a wind up doll making a living every election cycle while living a life in luxury in the four corners of the world as a true blue globalist and his speech during what was suppose to be a eulogy for some dead career politician turned into the usual dog whistles and racial baiting and shaming that Obama loves to bring about with the past of this country.

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