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✏ Teacher chit chat #3: New year, new challenges. Will I survive?

Hi guys!
I realized that I haven't posted a teacher chit chat in a long, long time. A LOT has happened since my last one so, now that I'm having some time, let's have a little chat~

Last year, when I started working in elementary school I thought it was a big change and I knew I had to learn new things to work with older kids. I was only working for 2 hours everyday with the younger groups and I eventually got used to that. It wasn't that hard after a month. But! I got the offer to have all 6 groups this new school year and guess what? I took it.

I was already aware that it was going to be a lot more work. 6 classes a day, 6 times more work and of course, a lot of stress. But I also felt like if I said no to this opportunity, I was going to regret it later. It was a chance for me to grow a lot as a teacher and as a person. I kinda want to prove myself I can do it.
Do I regret doing it? Not really, but I do admit that I sometimes wonder if I'll be able to make it work through the whole year~

Some people think having a teaching job it's easy, but they don't really see all the work behind it. It's not only about standing in front of a group and do a random activity. There is a lot of prepping and planning behind one class. It can be exhausting!! Don't get me wrong, I love what I do but, it can get crazy sometimes, especially now that I have to take care of 6 completely different plans and try to make them all interesting and creative.

We started the school year on Aug. 20th and it's been already challenging, no group is the same. I've had some ups and downs and even felt desperate at a certain point with some situations. Older kids have a stronger temper and not all of them are easy to handle, I'm surprised to admit I enjoy working with 6° a lot more than I thought I would tho.
I'm starting to deal with situations I never experienced before, and I'm trying hard not to get all apprehensive about it.
But, I've also been called a "Kawaii teacher", got a chocolate with a note on the second day because a first grader thought I was the most amazing thing she saw on her first day.
I've been running up and down the stairs to get to my classes, I've got to use my "mommy voice" way too many times now and, 6th graders say I'm always high on coffee because apparently, I talk too much and too fast all the time. So yeah, it's been a roller coaster... Can't wait to see what will happen next~

To me, teaching is also a learning process for the teacher, not only from my coworkers but also from my students. No day is the same and even tho I'm tired all the time and I don't go out as much as I used to during the week, I think it's worth it.
I feel like I'm finally in a good place work wise. It was a big step for me and I'm glad I took this opportunity.
This is it for now, I'll work hard(er) to make this school year, a great one and deal with the pressure.

Until next time~!!

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